Mar 9, 2023Liked by Shona Riddell

Shona that's amazing! Well done, and a great adventure to read too. Gives me courage to keep on trucking for the 4km swim (a couple of laps of lake Wimbleball on Exmoor in Devon, UK) that I've signed up for in September. Thanks for the post!

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Thanks Lou. I just googled Lake Wimbleball, what a beautiful spot. Sounds like a great thing to do. I'm on the lookout for 3-4km swims now, so you're inspiring me too!

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Shona Riddell

Congratulations Shona. You should feel really elated and proud. I love reading of your swims and successes. Julie

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Thank you, Julie! x

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You are AMAZING! Well done and big congrats.

I would have had all the What-Ifs too. The one thing I found with swimming is that breathing forestalls panic. I was caught in a rip a couple of years ago - very scary, but kept breathing and swimming and I honestly think the regular breath in and out kept panic away. Mind you, the adrenalin gave me superhuman strength in arms and legs!!!

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Oh my goodness, that would've been really scary! Sounds like you handled it well.

Good point, taking those even breaths while swimming is good for keeping a rhythm and can be quite meditative.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Shona Riddell

Your quiet determination is inspiring Shona. Congratulations.

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Quiet until I talk about it incessantly afterwards 😆 Thanks, you too!

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Huge congratulations. May that feeling of achievement and elation buoy you up for future swims! I’m considering a long open water swim but the leap from one mile to two seems vast but I am thoroughly inspired by you 💛

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