Interested to read of your marine ecology course, particularly as I had just replied to your comment about the bull kelp. Marine ecology is so important. We need to protect that beautiful unique underwater world and we can't do that without understanding it. I commend you.

As to how cold I've dipped in? 10 is my limit and I'm unable to winter-swim at all without a wetsuit. My body just shrivels. I read where the first question they ask you in cases of hyperthermia, to determine whether you're stricken, is your phone number. So I repeat my phone number over and over as I swim...

And re pools, I think they're a lot harder to handle - one is not as buoyant for a start. And I'm not mad on the heat, it's exhausting. I tend to leave a pool much much tireder than in the ocean. What do you think?

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