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Oh, I'm saving this list. Thank you, it's excellent. Given that I'm not as committed and brave as you, the wetsuit is a given for winter (and a wettie top for spring and autumn). Gloves and boots yes. Cap? Can't wait to get one when I'm allowed to start swimming again.

Everything else makes sense. I often swim alone (no one I know wants to swim all year and the group I used to swim with have moved to a surf beach which doesn't interest me), so I think the bright orange cap, the float - all good safety items. I also tell someone where I am and when, and check in on return.

I also read in order to check for hypothermia, ask yourself name, address, birthdate etc. If thinking is seriously slow - get out and get warm. I'm sure there's truth in this although how much would be interesting to research.

As to coffee and cake - well yes! Of course!

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